This section provides detailed information about your store. Here’s what you’ll find:
- Store Title: The name of your store.
- Domain: Your store's web address.
- Contact Person: The primary contact for your store.
- Email Address: Contact email for your store.
- Phone Number: Contact phone number.
- Store’s Open Hours: Regular operating hours. To set different hours for specific days, you can click on “add a rule”.
- Country, State, Address: The physical location of your store.
- Timezone: The timezone your store operates in.
- Store’s Category: The type of goods or services your store offers.
- Languages: The languages supported by your store.
- Description: A brief description of your store.
Store Status
To change the operational status of your store:
- Active: Your store is open and operational.
- Disable: Temporarily close your store.
- Coming Soon: Set your store as preparing to open soon.