Order Collecting via Partner App


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Explore the comprehensive steps in order collection via a partner app and manage your orders more effectively.

1.  Once you place an order, it appears in the "New section" of the Orders Tab.

2.  Open the order to view its details, including all items and preparation time. Clicking the order reveals its information, with a print option on the top right.

3.  To proceed with the order, select "Accept order", initiate the collection process, and update the status to "Assembling."

4.  A barcode scanner icon is on the top right for scanning. Use the camera for QR code scanning, which automatically locates the desired item. To collect manually, select the “Add” button and finish collecting.


5.  To initiate an item replacement, select the
"Replace" button. If you need to contact the customer about replacements, use the call button on the top right.                                      

6.  If no replacement is necessary, choose "Skip." This is used when the product is not available.

7.  Adjacent to the search field, there's an option to add a new product.

8.  For items that require weighing, adjust the weight by clicking on the weigh number, then collect and add the item to the order. Items can be replaced as needed.

9.  Upon completing the order collection, the total order details, including bags and assembled items, are displayed. Use the undo option for any corrections.

10.  After finishing the collection, click "Finish collecting" to move the order to the assembled section.

11.  Note whether the order is for delivery or pickup, mark it as "picked up" if necessary. In case of delivery, the driver will take the order from the store.