What is the Multiple Collecting
The Multiple Collecting feature in the LE Partner Mobile App allows to collect the orders in a store quicker by collecting several orders in the same time. By collecting multiple orders at once, the store picker spends less time moving between the shelves and aisles in the store’s sales area, and collects the products for several orders while located near the products of a single department.
For example, there are two separate orders that include red and white grapes. Both the red and white grapes belong to the same ‘Fruits’ department. The store picker enables the Multiple Collecting, so they can pick the red and white grapes for both orders simultaneously while standing next to the shelves in the ‘Fruits’ department.
How to collect orders with the Multiple Collecting
To enable the Multiple Collecting in the LE Partner App, the partner should go to the Orders tab in the LE Partner App, and enable a Multiple Collecting toggle. When the toggle is enabled, it is possible to select the New or Assembling orders from the respective tabs that should be collected together by checking the rounded boxes next to them (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Multiple Collecting toggle and selected orders in the Orders tab.
The partner taps the Collect Orders button to start collecting. The selected orders with all the order products will be shown in the top part of the screen, and the partner can slide the orders left and right to see what products belong to them (Figure 2).
Figure 2. Orders and order products in the Multiple Collecting.
By sliding between the orders, the store staff can see what products must be collected for each order, and collect the orders as per regular flow by tapping the Finish Collecting button. It is also possible to enable the Collect by department mode with the Collect by department toggle. In that case, the store staff will see the products from different orders grouped by the departments, making it more convenient to pick them (Figure 3).
Figure 3. Products from the two orders are grouped by departments.
The store staff can collapse or expand the departments in the list to see the products to be picked from a specific department. The rest of the accepting or collecting process follows the regular flow for order accepting and collecting.
If the store staff need to add an extra product to the order with the multiple collecting flow, the staff need to tap the Add new product button, and select the order the products must be added to (Figure 4).
Figure 4. Adding products in Multiple Collecting flow.