Local Express Marketing CRM Installation

  • To install the Local Express Marketing CRM App, click the “Install Now” button. After the installation is complete, open the app. 

You have two options for how to run the LE Marketing CRM application. You can either:

  1. Install Local Express Marketing CRM from scratch. In this case, you will send a request to create a new account on the ActiveCampaign side. This process can take up to 48 hours, and as a result, you will have a new account with an account name, username, password, API key, API URL, and the marketing domain.
  2. If you have had the Local Express Marketing CRM installed and used in the Local Express Partner before, you can input the existing Local Express Marketing CRM settings manually.

  • If you have previously used an independent account in the ActiveCampaign you can enter your account credentials in the CRM Marketing App settings to log in and access your ActiveCampaign account via the Local Express Partner. 
  • After you have installed the Local Express Marketing CRM and completed the authorization, you need to populate the Local Express Marketing CRM Contacts database with your customers’ data (which can be found in the “Customers” section of the Partner Web). Click the “Run Initial Contacts Synchronization” button to synchronize. Both the registered customers and guests will be added to the Local Express Marketing CRM Contacts.