Delivery Configuration


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Delivery configuration options in the LE partner app allow you to enable and configure the delivery from your store to your customers with your store’s drivers. 


  • To open the delivery configuration, go to Operation → Delivery -> your store and scroll down to the Delivery section.

  • You can enable or disable the delivery with Enable Delivery toggle. When it is disabled, the customers can not choose Delivery as an option when they confirm the order.
  • You can enable the custom delivery zones when you toggle the Custom Delivery Zone. You can mark specific areas on the map so all the locations within the area can be chosen as delivery destinations. The areas can be of any shape, but the last border point must be connected to the first one to form a completed shape. You can add as many custom zones as you need.

  • Instead of custom delivery zones, you can use the Delivery Max Distance option where you can specify the radius. All the locations within this radius of the store can be chosen as delivery destinations.
  • You can also configure a delivery schedule for your store that includes the weekdays and hours. This schedule can be configured by several sets of rules that are applied at the same time.

  • In the example above, the store delivery will be available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., and Saturday through Sunday from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. 
  • Other delivery options include the Delivery Time Window, which defines the delivery time shown to the delivery driver and customer (e.g. delivery time is 11:00-12:00). Order Ahead is a feature that allows your customers to place orders several days ahead of the current date. Minimal Order Total Price is a minimal total amount of order in your set currency required to make it available for delivery. Approximate Preparation Time (min) is an approximate time needed to prepare the order for delivery.

  • You can also toggle the Capture ID at delivery, Capture signature at delivery, and Capture proof of delivery.
  • If the Capture ID at delivery is disabled, the delivery driver will not have to take a photo of the customer’s ID, even if the products in the order belong to the age-restricted category.  
  • Capture signature at delivery requires the driver to take a customer’s signature with the LEDriver app for any orders.
  • Capture proof of delivery requires the driver to take a photo of the delivered order as proof.