The Import feature allows you to add massive product data to your store’s catalog by following the catalog import process flow and configuring the import parameters. With the Catalog Import, you can easily add existing information about thousands of products to a store catalog, and update the new or old product data with new parameters.
The LE support team does the initial setting of the Master Catalog and Imports during the start-up process for each partner's store. Please address all the change requests regarding the Import Templates and rules to the LE support.
Imports List
To access the Store Import, go to the LE Partner Web → Catalog → Imports → Store. You will see the list of Imports for a specific store.
Here you can find:
- Import’s ID,
- Time and date it was created,
- Title,
- Status,
- Quantity,
- Settings,
- Possible actions you take for a specific import.
Import Status
The import status varies and includes the following: NEW, PARSING, PARSED, MATCHING, MATCHED, APPLYING, PROCESSING, DONE. REVERTING.
When a new import is created in the “Add Import Pack” menu, it will appear as “NEW” in the “Imports list”. After that, the import will change the status to “PARSING” and, the system will start to read and parse the imported table file. After the parsing is complete, the status will be changed to “PARSED”. Then the import will start to match the table data for the products in the table and will have the “MATCHING” status. When the matching is complete, the status will change to “MATCHED”.
When the import reaches the “MATCHED” status, the partner can click the “Apply Import” button in the Actions column and start to apply the import, effectively updating the catalog data.
The Import status will change to “APPLYING, PROCESSING, and DONE”. When the import is done, it can be reverted by clicking the Revert Import button in the Actions column. After the import is reverted, its status will change to “DONE”.
Import Quantity
The import quantity shows the details for each import, where you can see how many import rows have been added as “New”, how many have been updated and “Matched”, how many are “Not Found”, and how many are “Done, Failed, and Excluded”. These numbers will automatically change during the import process and will reflect the number of respective rows, depending on the import settings.
Import Settings
Import settings allow you to view the settings that have been used for a specific import. The import settings for each particular store are set before the store implementation. If you have any questions regarding the import settings, please contact LE Support.
Import Actions
Import actions are the actions you can do with the import. You can download the “Matching Report”, or Revert the import.
By clicking the “Matching Report” button with a floppy disk icon, you download an import pack .xlsx table, where you can see the table rows (storing the product information), their import “Status, Reason” for this status, “Pack Title, Pack UPC, Pack SKU”, and the “Matched Price, Product ID, Store Product ID, Title and Price”.
By clicking the “Revert Import” button, you revert the import and restore the product data that existed before the import was done.
Add Import Pack
To start an import to the store catalog, create a new import by clicking the “Add Import Pack” button in the top-right part of the “Imports List” page. You will be redirected to the “Add Import Pack” page.
To create an import, upload a .xls/.xlsx file, and select the “Saved Template”. The “Saved Templates” are created for each store individually when the store is implemented. Please contact LE support if you have any questions related to the import templates. The Template affects the “Import Settings” and the rules used for the fields and rows during the import.
You can set additional rules to mark the imported products as “In Stock” (always, never, if the price is set, or if both price and image are set) or mark the existing products as “Out of Stock” (Yes or No).
After you have uploaded the file and selected the template, and set the rules for imported and existing products, click the “Save” button. Your new import will appear on the “Imports List” page.
Item Table Example
Below is an example of a table that can be uploaded and used for import. The “Item File Example” sheet includes an example of imported product data, and the “Item File Fields Specification” sheet has a detailed explanation for each field in the import table (download the table file for a better view).
Item File Fields Specification.ods
Contact the Local Express support team, if you want to know more about the Catalog Imports, and how to configure this feature for your stores.